Oak Meditation Bench



Price varies according to size.

We have 3 smaller oak benches left in stock for smaller framed individuals.  For medium and large framed people, we have one currently in stock.

Red Oak is our choice from the oak family; oak is highly regarded for its lovely grain pattern. It is a little heavier than our other benches and is a very strong wood.

The oak symbolizes strength of character and courage. Oak is considered a medicine tree by many eastern and midwestern tribes, associated with strength and protection. Individual oak trees of great size and longevity have often been considered sacred and used as spiritual and civic centers for important tribal gatherings

With the use of the bench, all the stress is removed from the joints and permits longer, more comfortable sitting meditation sessions. All the woods we use sustainable species that are not listed on any threatened species list. Daily Zen benches are finished with hand-rubbed Danish oil, a non-toxic finish. You can use any fine furniture oil to maintain its lustre.

These benches are available in limited quantities and come with our 100% satisfaction guarantee.

Additional information

Weight 5 lbs