Daily Zen Library

Buddhism and Zen

Written for the neophyte who has no prior knowledge of the subject, Buddhism and Zen defines basic terms, translates key words, and answers the ten most frequently asked questions that are posed by Westerners interested in Zen Buddhism. Much of the Western world's interest in Zen is based on our growing awareness that the literal, the pragmatic, and the rational, while useful, often fail to explain the phenomena of the emotions, the unconscious, and the subconscious. The Buddha said, “If you try to see me through my form, or if you try to hear me through my voice, you will never reach me and will remain forever a stranger to my teaching.”

This primer, first published in 1953 and long out of print, is a concise compendium of essential information for the seeker who wishes to explore Zen Buddhism.

Arouse the Mind

Arouse the mind without placing it anywhere...

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