Daily Zen Library

Subtle Wisdom: Understanding Suffering, Cultivating Compassion Through Ch’an Buddhism

Master Sheng-yen, a dharma descendant from the founders of Buddhism in China, considers the concepts of suffering, enlightenment, and compassion; provides a glossary of key terms; and briefly recaps the history of Buddhism in China. But he goes beyond these issues to discuss contemporary matters and questions he has encountered in his years of teaching in the United States. Sometimes personal and always instructive, Sheng-yen's introductory work is perfect for those just coming to Buddhism, and for those who are already very familiar with the Tibetan and Zen schools.

Cherry Meditation Bench

18 1/2" long x 6 1/2" wide x 7" high Cherry is a wood used for fine furniture. Strong and tough, cherry has been compared in strength to yellow birch. Prized for its rich color and fine grain, cherry is commonly seen in cabinetry and has a sati...

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