Daily Zen Library

Zen Dawn: Early Zen Texts from Tun Huang

This important book brings together three long-lost texts, the earliest known writings on Zen.

   •  Records of the Teachers and Students of the Lanka presents a complete set of biographies of the Zen patriarchs.
   •  Bodhidharma's Treatise on Contemplating Mind— written in the form of a dialogue between the first Zen patriarch, Bodhidharma, and his successor, Huke—views all the various practices of the Bodhisattva path from the perspective of cultivating mind.
   •  Treatise on Sudden Enlightenment presents a series of questions and answers illuminating the true nature of “sudden enlightenment” as pure, undifferentiated mind.

Enter in Peace – Limited edition in Cherry

How far back does the idea of a Tokonoma go? Tokonoma first appeared in the late Muromachi period (14th-16th c). It consisted of a wall space where scrolls would be hung, with a raised dais for items such as an incense burner, vase for flowers, and cand...

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