July 2024

With gratitude I write what has been asked of me in writing a piece for Daily Zen, and how it has impacted my daily practice. May I express  what an amazing plough these writings are to cultivate the empty field (Master Hongzhi), and the silent illumination that rushes forth.   

To share the journey I need to borrow an expression from Zen master Shunryu Suzuki’s book, Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind. It was like walking in the mist and not in the rain. One gets wet fully to the core but does not even seem to know about it!

Many years ago I chanced upon Daily Zen. If I remember correctly, I liked the daily aspect of it. Moments of clarity come to us, but clarity ideally can stay with us every moment, hence the daily aspect of Daily Zen is attractive.

I began reading excerpts of the different masters chosen. Were the readings teaching me something? I don’t know, but in those readings there was and is the fulfillment that “I” was seeking that very moment. All was and is achieved.  Reading the masters, concepts began to vaporize into thin air. 

Over the years the line between me & spirituality began to merge. Essentially all the masters spoke the same things, but their varied expressions were meant to attract the different types of people and mindsets who are ready to cross over.

Reading them, the potency of their words and how direct they were also convinced me that different masters have a way of reaching the ears their words were meant for. I mean that the masters are present in their words, right here now with no time lapse.

If the journals were about teachings, maybe this  “I” would have thought that it had learned, but these are timeless.  This “I” can only learn to “BE,” hence my wait-less wait remains as fresh as a dew drop for the Daily Zen Journals.  

I have often felt this, and today I have been given an opportunity to express how deeply thankful this “I” is for the service rendered through these writings.

Giving away millions of dollars in charity does not equal a service when one stands a chance to align with one’s own original mind. This is compassion in action. 

With Gratitude and Love

Hari Om       

Sanjay C.

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