15 1/2″ long x 9″ wide x 3/4″ thick
“Next, you should not carelessly throw away the water that remains after washing the rice. In olden times a cloth bag was used to filter out the water when it was thrown away. When you have finished washing the rice, put it into the cooking pot. Take special care lest a mouse accidentally falls into it. Under no circumstances allow anyone who happens to be drifting through the kitchen to poke his fingers around or look into a pot.” Tenzo Kyokun – Dogen 1237
Most of us won’t have to worry about a mouse falling in our cooking water, but plenty of us have people curious about what’s cooking and wanting a taste. This Tenzo cutting board is a bit longer which allows for a bit more cutting space.
Finished with Howard Butcher Block conditioner and cutting board oil brings out the luster and richness of the wood. A sample of each is included in each order.
For those of you interested in a complete translation, please see “Refining your Life – From the Zen Kitchen to Enlightenment” by Dogen and Uchiyama.