Teisho Today Archives

Welcome to the Teisho Today archives where we present our most recent Daily Zen Journals as audio files for your enjoyment. Over time we aim to have the entire library of journals available in this format, however, this is a work in progress as the first journal was released in 1998, and this is now 2022!

Join us on this journey as Daily Zen evolves and grows into the present moment heading into our 25th year.

Harmony – Part 1

Originally appeared May 2018.

The word harmony is used here in the sense of harmonizing the five Dharma activities. The first is to regulate the times of eating and drinking. The second one is to regulate sleeping, the third is to regulate the body, the fourth is to regulate breathing, and the fifth is to regulate the heart-mind.

The Daily Zen Teisho
The Daily Zen Teisho
Harmony – Part 1


Originally appeared April 2018.

The main point of zazen is supposed to be that no thought arises. But if we check thought by thought, surely it is like washing off blood with blood.

The Daily Zen Teisho
The Daily Zen Teisho

Following the Breath with Mindfulness

Originally appeared March 2018.

It is essential that we understand this profound truth: the prana-body is the conditioner of the flesh-body. We ought to know that there are these two kaya (bodies), or levels of kaya.

The Daily Zen Teisho
The Daily Zen Teisho
Following the Breath with Mindfulness

All Beings Are in the Process of Becoming Buddhas

Originally appeared February 2018.

“All beings are intrinsically Buddha,” as Hakuin said, means that all sentient beings are endowed with the wisdom and virtuous power of the Buddha and are, without exception, gradually advancing along the path of liberation. It is inevitable that all human beings will perfectly realize their essential nature.

The Daily Zen Teisho
The Daily Zen Teisho
All Beings Are in the Process of Becoming Buddhas

The Lankavatara Sutra

Originally appeared January 2018.

Bodhisattvas should become adept at examining the two kinds of phenomena that have no self. And what are the two kinds of phenomena that have no self? Neither beings nor dharmas have a self.

The Daily Zen Teisho
The Daily Zen Teisho
The Lankavatara Sutra

Fundamental Principles

Originally appeared December 2017.

Let us investigate the fundamental principles of Dhamma, Natural Truth. I would like to discuss these essential points of Buddhism in the hope that a grasp of them will help you advance in your studies and training.

The Daily Zen Teisho
The Daily Zen Teisho
Fundamental Principles

Discourses of Master Po Shan – Part 1

Originally appeared November 2017.

When working at Zen, the important thing is to generate the i ching (doubt sensation). What is this doubt sensation? For instance: Where did I come from before my birth, and where shall I go after my death?

The Daily Zen Teisho
The Daily Zen Teisho
Discourses of Master Po Shan – Part 1

Correct Practice

Originally appeared October 2017.

There are two kinds of Zen meditation: sitting practice, and, depending on circumstances, practicing samatha-vipasyana while doing other activities. The first way for those who desire to perfect samatha-vipasyana meditation is done while sitting.

The Daily Zen Teisho
The Daily Zen Teisho
Correct Practice

The Sermon of No Words

Originally appeared September 2017.

The sermon of words and phrases is the finger pointing to the moon, the fist knocking at the door. The object is to see the moon, not the finger, to get the door open and not the knocking itself; so far as these things do achieve their objects they are fine.

The Daily Zen Teisho
The Daily Zen Teisho
The Sermon of No Words

True Mind

Originally appeared August 2017.

There are not many arts to Zen study; it just requires knowing your own true mind.

The Daily Zen Teisho
The Daily Zen Teisho
True Mind

Questions of Bodhisattva Mahamati

Originally appeared July 2017.

The Bodhisattva Mahamati requested the Buddha’s instructions on the way to cultivate the path of the bodhisattva. The Buddha answered, “Mahamati, the bodhisattva cultivates the path by practicing the four ways. “The first is to see that all that exists appears from the mind. The three realms of existence cannot exist independent of the mind.

The Daily Zen Teisho
The Daily Zen Teisho
Questions of Bodhisattva Mahamati

Handbook for Zen Students – Part 2

Originally appeared June 2017.

Although I am not worthy of the task, I am intent on the study of the ancient teachings and consider the sacred writings of the sutras to be a great treasure. But these writings are nonetheless numerous as leaves in thick foliage and the sea of the Tripitaka is vaster than the ocean.

The Daily Zen Teisho
The Daily Zen Teisho
Handbook for Zen Students – Part 2

Handbook for Zen Students – Part 1

Originally appeared May 2017.

Those who studied Buddhism in antiquity would not speak as the Buddha had not spoken or act as the Buddha had not acted. Thus they treasured only the sacred literature of the sutras and nothing else. But for those who study Buddhism today, that which they hand on and recite are the writings of officials; that which they seek out and hold onto are the verses of these officials.

The Daily Zen Teisho
The Daily Zen Teisho
Handbook for Zen Students – Part 1

Treatise on the Essentials of Cultivating the Mind – Part 3

Originally appeared April 2017.

One who comprehends the mind that is the source of all dharmas understands everything. If you can stop generating false thoughts and illusions of personal possession and completely discard your preoccupation with the body, then you will certainly achieve birthlessness. How inconceivably wonderful!

The Daily Zen Teisho
The Daily Zen Teisho
Treatise on the Essentials of Cultivating the Mind – Part 3

Treatise on Contemplating Mindfulness

Originally appeared March 2017.

Huike asked: If there are people intent on seeking the path of Enlightenment, what method should they practice, what method is most essential and concise? Bodhidharma answered: Let them just contemplate mind—this one method takes in all practices and is indeed essential and concise.

The Daily Zen Teisho
The Daily Zen Teisho
Treatise on Contemplating Mindfulness

Questions from the Lankavatara Sutra

Originally appeared February 2017.

Witnessing the transformation of the habit-energy of self-existence of the repository consciousness, the will, and the conceptual consciousness, this is what is meant by nirvana. The nirvana of other Buddhas and myself is the realm that is empty of self-existence.

The Daily Zen Teisho
The Daily Zen Teisho
Questions from the Lankavatara Sutra

Beyond Words

Originally appeared January 2017.

Our original teacher Buddha, the World Honored One, said to Ananda, “Even if you memorize the sutras of the tathagatas of the past, present, and future, this is not as good as one day’s cultivation of stainless learning.” Such true, frank words in this solid statement!

The Daily Zen Teisho
The Daily Zen Teisho
Beyond Words

Stop Opinions

Originally appeared December 2016.

The Third Patriarch of Zen said, “Don’t seek reality, just put a stop to opinions.” He also said, “As soon as there are judgments of right and wrong, the mind is lost in a flurry.” These sayings teach you people of today what to work on.”

The Daily Zen Teisho
The Daily Zen Teisho
Stop Opinions

Stages of Enlightenment

Originally appeared November 2016.

It is very difficult to speak of enlightenment with detail or precision. Buddhists, Christians, Hindus, Taoists, Sufis, and Jewish mystics all describe enlightenment experiences. Are all such experiences the same? So long as you practice sincerely regardless of the path, any experience which gives you a more profound view of life, and which has a powerfully positive effect on your character can be called enlightenment.

The Daily Zen Teisho
The Daily Zen Teisho
Stages of Enlightenment

No End to Practice

Originally appeared October 2016.

Even for those who follow a monastic lifestyle, it is never easy to extricate ourselves from the acquired customs that we have hauled along with us for as long as we can remember. We go along relying on self-chosen value judgments, discriminating on the basis of forms we see with our eyes, distinguishing by the sounds we hear with our ears, differentiating according to the smells we pick up with our noses.

The Daily Zen Teisho
The Daily Zen Teisho
No End to Practice

Secrets on Cultivating the Mind

Originally appeared September 2016.

If you want to become a Buddha, understand that Buddha is the mind. How can you search for the mind in the far distance? It is not outside the body. The physical body is a phantom, for it is subject to birth and death; the true mind is like space, for it neither ends nor changes.

The Daily Zen Teisho
The Daily Zen Teisho
Secrets on Cultivating the Mind

Journal of My Study in China – Part 2

Originally appeared July 2016.

I asked at midnight, “In your dharma talk you said, ‘The bower and the bowed-to are empty by nature. The mind-to-mind communication is wondrous and inconceivable; its heart is profound, and it cannot be known. There is no way to reach it superficially. Doubt cannot touch it.’ Teachers in the scriptural schools also talk about mind-to-mind communication. Is it the same as what is taught in the ancestral path?”

The Daily Zen Teisho
The Daily Zen Teisho
Journal of My Study in China – Part 2

Journal of My Study in China

Originally appeared July 2016.

When I was young I aroused the aspiration for enlightenment and visited various monasteries in my country. I had some understanding of the principle of cause and effect; however, I was not able to clarify the real source of Buddha, dharma, and sangha. I was only seeing the outer forms, the marks, and names. Later I entered the chamber of Eisai, Zen master Senko, and for the first time heard the teaching of the Linji School.

The Daily Zen Teisho
The Daily Zen Teisho
Journal of My Study in China

On Meditation – Part 1

Originally appeared June 2016.

To calm the mind means to find the right balance. If you try to force your mind too much, it goes too far; if you don’t try enough, it doesn’t get there and misses the point of balance.

The Daily Zen Teisho
The Daily Zen Teisho
On Meditation – Part 1

Essentials of Mind – Part 1

Originally appeared May 2016.

When the founder of Zen came to China from India, he did not set up written or spoken formulations; he only pointed directly to the human mind. Direct pointing just refers to what is inherent in everyone: the whole being appearing responsively from within the shell of ignorance, it is not different from the sages of time immemorial.

The Daily Zen Teisho
The Daily Zen Teisho
Essentials of Mind – Part 1