Teisho Today Archives

Welcome to the Teisho Today archives where we present our most recent Daily Zen Journals as audio files for your enjoyment. Over time we aim to have the entire library of journals available in this format, however, this is a work in progress as the first journal was released in 1998, and this is now 2022!

Join us on this journey as Daily Zen evolves and grows into the present moment heading into our 25th year.

West Mountain Evening Talk – Part 1

Originally appeared April 2016.

When the Master was living at Nanzen-ji as a head priest, Gen’no Osho said to him, “For the last twenty years, ever since you finished your study in the monasteries, you have been moving from one place to another. By now you have changed the place you live more than ten times. I think this is harmful to a Zen student. It exhausts him and interferes with his practice.

The Daily Zen Teisho
The Daily Zen Teisho
West Mountain Evening Talk – Part 1

The Unborn – Part 1

Originally appeared March 2016.

I was still a young man when I came to discover the principle of the Unborn and its relation to thought. I began to tell others about it. What we call a “thought” is something that has already fallen one or more removes from the living reality of the Unborn.

The Daily Zen Teisho
The Daily Zen Teisho
The Unborn – Part 1

The Heart of the Pine

Originally appeared February 2016.

The heart of the pine is solid, the joints of bamboo are hard; therefore they do not wither in the cold of winter, but continue to flourish even through snow and frost.

The Daily Zen Teisho
The Daily Zen Teisho
The Heart of the Pine

Doctrine of Mind

Originally appeared January 2016.

When the people of the world hear it said that the Buddhas transmit the Doctrine of the Mind, they suppose that there is something to be attained or realized apart from Mind, and thereupon they use Mind to seek the Dharma, not knowing that Mind and the object of their search are one.

The Daily Zen Teisho
The Daily Zen Teisho
Doctrine of Mind

Aspiration for Enlightenment

Originally appeared December 2015.

In the Buddhist teachings, various distinctions are drawn among aspirations for enlightenment. Essentially, it may be said that there are two kinds of aspiration for enlightenment: the shallow aspiration and the true aspiration.

The Daily Zen Teisho
The Daily Zen Teisho
Aspiration for Enlightenment

Investigating Chan and Comtemplating Mind

Originally appeared November 2015.

Our sect focuses on investigating Chan and the purpose of investigating Chan is to “illuminate the Mind and see one’s own self-nature,” which means to thoroughly investigate and comprehend our original face. This investigation is also called “clearly realizing one’s Mind and thoroughly perceiving one’s intrinsic nature.”

The Daily Zen Teisho
The Daily Zen Teisho
Investigating Chan and Comtemplating Mind

Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind

Originally appeared February 2015.

In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s there are few.

The Daily Zen Teisho
The Daily Zen Teisho
Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind

Practice of Meditation

Originally appeared January 2004.

Ultimately, all true learning is done on one’s own

The Daily Zen Teisho
The Daily Zen Teisho
Practice of Meditation